To start Mod Manager start "TheWitcher3ModManager" (it is where you unpacked it). Do the same with the "WitcherScriptMerger.exe" file to install Script Merger.

If I remember correctly you have to run the file "TheWitcher3ModManager" which is in the zip file you downloaded to install it. This is usefull to prevent the mod limit and conflicts between mods, which will break your game. Mod Manager gives you a better overwiev over your mods and you can directly run Script Merger with it. This can work if you only use a few mods and you are lucky enough not to get conflicts, so I highly recommend using Mod Manager together with Script Merger.

Just unpack the files you download(you need to create a free nuxusmods acoount to download) there into the "mods" folder you created, but read the description, some mods require a different installation(patches for example). The most simple way to install mods is to create a folder called "mods" in your "The Witcher 3" folder(whereever you installed the Witcher 3).